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Nineteen US Senators call for tracking hate crimes against Sikhs in US

19 U.S. Senators Call for Sikh Hate Crime Tracking

19 U.S. Senators Call for Sikh Hate Crime Tracking

Chandigarh (August 24, 2012): According to information released by Sikh Coalition 19 U.S. senators have written to Attorney General Eric Holder asking that the U.S. Justice Department begin tracking hate crimes committed against Sikh-Americans.

In a letter dated August 23, the senators referenced the Aug. 5 shooting at a Sikh temple in southeastern Wisconsin. That’s where a gunman killed six Sikh worshippers and wounded three others and an Oak Creek police officer before killing himself.

The letter says Sikhs are susceptible to violence because many Sikh men wear turbans and long beards.

The Justice Department tracks hate crimes against certain religious groups. The senators want Sikhs added to that list.

A message left with the Justice Department wasn’t immediately returned.

Neither Wisconsin senator was among the 19 who signed the letter. Messages left with both senators’ offices weren’t immediately returned.

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