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Pakistan Conducts Air-strikes in Afghanistan; Taliban Claim to Have Conducted Retaliatory Hits

Chandigarh: Pakistan has reportedly launched overnight air attacks inside Afghanistan, while the Taliban claimed hours later to have fired across the border.

“Tensions flared on Monday between Islamabad and Kabul following the overnight raids. Pakistan said the attack had targeted armed groups hiding out in border regions. The Taliban said eight women and children were killed”, notes a report by AlJazeera. 

In a statement released today, the Taliban defence ministry said Afghan border forces targeted Pakistani military positions along with heavy artillery in response to alleged Pakistani bombings of civilian homes in districts of Khost, Barmal, Paktika.

Tension has risen between Pakistan and Afghanistan since the Taliban government seized power in 2021. Islamabad claims that hostile armed groups carry out regular attacks from across the border, notes AlJazeera.

Analysts suggest that today’s strike can be linked to the suicide attack two days ago, which was claimed by a newly formed group, Jaish-e-Fursan-e-Muhammad, which is led by Hafiz Gul Bahadur, leader of a Pakistani Taliban faction based in North Waziristan.

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