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A brief response to Guest Review on Punjab 1984 Movie by Simran Kaur

Respected Sikh24 Editors,

Thanks for sharing Guest Review by Simran Kaur about Punjab 1984 on your site.

Punjab 1984

I wonder the author went on justifying everything in the movie (esp. arguments regarding those joining the movement because of personal reasons, goon elements, corrupt politicians etc.) saying it all had existed, but at the same time ignoring the fact that there was other side of the picture as well and further that Anurag hid it (coz it’s not that much simple that he did not merely presented it).

Moreover, another question is that What overview of Punjab+1984 the movie presents? After 20/30 years even state propagandists find it hard to boldly justify their (mis)deeds of that time therefore a new interpretation is being forwarded that the people of Punjab were crushed in two wheels of crusher (terrorism/ militancy and state repression). The movie is clearly on these lines.

Lastly, what overview the movie presents about the Sikh struggle? (Don’t say to not to expect Sikh point from the makers, we never expected that but the point of concern is that the movie did presented an overview of the movement that is nothing more than a pro-state interpretation of events).

No one has objection to presenting tragedy of mother and her son, but its necessary to raise alarm against what was being server under the grab of presenting story of that “tragedy”.

Anyways, suggestions by the author of being “open” minded are welcome but it’s always a question that what do one understand by being “open minded”?

Thanks again to the Sikh24 team for sharing this guest review. It seems to a good step in bring up healthy debate.

Readers/ Visitors of the Sikh Siyasat News may check the movie review titled: Punjab 1984: An Opportunity for Thought & Reflection by SIMRAN KAUR, GUEST CONTRIBUTOR, published by at source source:

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