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Emerging Dynamics in Sikh Electoral Politics of Punjab After Lok Sabha Results

A fragmented landscape is unfolding in Sikh electoral politics, marked by the significant reduction of the dominant force, SAD (Badal), which is now embroiled in internal strife that may lead to a split. As multiple players vie for influence, no single entity has yet consolidated all Sikh electoral power. 

Defying Hate: The Sikh Way Forward

Over the last two days, the surge of unhinged coordinated hate and vitriol against Sikhs, has reminded every Sikh parent to commit to four key principles for themselves and their kids:

Sikh Legacy: Remembering Vadda Ghallughara

On 5 February 1762, the pages of Sikh history unfurled a somber chapter known as Vadda Ghallughara, The Great Sikh Genocide, unfolding at Kup Rahera near Malerkotla.

India’s Assassination Campaign of Freedom Seeking Sikhs Across the World

We have now learned that India’s terror campaign of killing freedom seeking Sikhs across the world includes targets in the world’s most powerful country, the United States of America. The Financial Times, a newspaper in the United Kingdom, reported on 21 November 2023 that an assassination attempt on Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, General Counsel of Sikhs For Justice, a group advocating an independent Sikh state called Khalistan.

Anatomy of a Denial of Justice – The 1986 Saka Nakodar Incident

The Punjab & Haryana High Court's decision on October 7, 2023, is based on the order issued by SSP Jalandhar on May 31, 2023. Justice Avneesh Jhingon's order states, "The present petition seeks directions for the registration of an FIR by respondents No.1 to 4, based on the inquiry report submitted by the 'Justice Gurnam Singh Commission of Inquiry, Punjab.'

Thakur Ka Kuan: of Coterie And Turn-Coats In Politics

Recitation of Shri Omprakash Balmiki's iconoclastic verse from the floor of the Upper House of the Parliament has roiled politics in Bihar.

Why SB403 is Important for All Americans, Regardless of Religion

California is a beacon of diversity and inclusion; it's time we extend that promise to eradicating the deeply ingrained issue of caste discrimination within our communities.

What does the transcript of the press interaction with Jake Sullivan inform of the concerns of US media regarding the Delhi chapter of G20 Convention?

The press interaction on the Air Force One with the NSAUS Mr Jake Sullivan underscored the concerns of the US media regarding the Delhi chapter of G20 Convention.

Situating The Call for One Nation One Election

Political pot is boiling over the move of calling an emergency session of the Parliament. Political grapevine suggests that one of the issues to be discussed in this emergency session will be the issue of one nation one election.

Freeing the Akaal Takht: Reflections on the Vishav Sikh Ekatarta

The gurmatta shows us that Sikhs do not have to search far to understand our mode of governance or borrow from the West; rather Akaal Purakh has bestowed us with Akaal Takht to assert our sovereignty and build collectively as sangat to center Maharaj.


Arjun Dev was cruelly tortured to death, to the sore affliction of the soul of the whole people. The devotion they bore to their Master was deep and selfless. While they helplessly witnessed his cruel death, a curse arose from among them, both against the Moghal Empire and against themselves.


Amardas had a very happy way of receiving people for initiation. There is a beautiful life story of Bhai Menhga to be told. Menhga in vernacular means precious, and the Guru called Bhai Menhga meaning-one whom he had pur-chased at a very high price.

Analysis: India Blocking More Information Since COVID

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a weakening of fundamental rights such as freedom of expression

Sikh Genocide and the symbolism of the yellow mustard flower

Here is the yellow mustard flower I painted in the remembrance of #SikhGenocide and in the honour of all victims and survivors. We are resilient, moving from victimhood to healing and new beginnings while embracing our history.

Why Is China Building Up Airpower in Ladakh?

Concerns of air power violations in Ladakh entered the doors of military talks between India and China in early August 2022. Both sides blamed each other of violating the 1996 Agreement on Confidence-Building Measures along the Line of Actual Control.

Why does the world need Khalistan?

At present, the Sikh community has proven that it symbolizes good among all other religious groups as far as social morality is concerned.

How Loot Added to the Gravity of Punjab Water Crisisof Punjab River Water

A discussion about issues related to Punjab's river waters- denial of riparian rights and loot of Punjab's river waters, was held at Ferozepur on 5 August 2022.

Does Punjab really need Textile Industry? : Mattewara Mega Textile Project

The Punjab Cabinet approved an industrial park near the Mattewara forest range and Sutlej River in the Ludhiana district. The park as per the Cabinet decision was to be set up on approximately 1000 acres and the land of Sekhowal Gram Panchayat (416.1 acres), Salempur Gram Panchayat (27.1 acres) and Sailklan Gram Panchayat (20.3 acres) was acquired for this purpose.

Sikhism And Brahminism – by Prof. Puran Singh

The Sikh Gurus swept clean the disciples' consciousness of all the entangled flimsy and complex cobwebs of mental weavings and spiritualistic vanities of the great and the vainglorious Sanskritic Scholar.

With New Norms of IAS Promotions, Modi Govt. Silently Cuts Down Two Levels in Decision Making Process

This is a story that never made it to even the inside or insight pages of any newspaper, leave alone an editorial comment. Even the magazines that claim to have an exclusive focus on governance, but essentially carry news about anticipated transfers and postings, did not cover the silent, salient decision taken a few weeks ago by the Narendra Modi government to reduce the effective levels of decision-making in the ministries and departments from five to three.

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