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Bapu Surat Singh’s hunger strike continues; Sikh bodies took out protest march in Ludhaina

Ludhiana: Representatives of various Sikh organizations took out a protest march in Ludhaina in support of fasting Sikh activist Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa on Monday (Feb. 17). Surat Singh Khalsa has been on fast unto death since January 16 demanding release of Sikh political prisoners confined in various jails in Indian subcontinent despite having completed their jail terms.

Representatives of Sikh organizations hand over a memorandum to Ludhiana DC, seeking release of Sikh Political Prisoners

Representatives of various Sikh bodies took out a protest march from Civil Hospital Ludhaina (Where Bapu Surat Singh is put under medical observation by the police and civil administration) to the office of Ludhiana Deputy Commissioner. Protesters also handed over a memorandum to Ludhaina DC.

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On the other hand a Sikh delegation met Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal in Chandigarh to discuss demands of Surat Singh Khasla with the Punjab government. Punjab CM Badal reportedly told the members of the Sikh delegation that his government was “helpless” in fulfilling demands raised by Surat Singh Khalsa.

Source said that Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa’s condition was stable for the time being and a team of doctors is regularly monitoring his health condition.

In his letter to Indian Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi, Bapu Surat Singh said that he would prefer to die, over ending hunger-strike, without securing release of concerned Sikh political prisoners.

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