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Court Directs CBI to File Status Report in Tytler Case on 24 March

Jagdish Tytler [File Photo]

Jagdish Tytler

Jagdish Tytler, one of the former Indian ministers who are accused for their involvement in Sikh Genocide 1984

New Delhi, India (March 23, 2014): According to information available with the Sikh Siaysat News (SSN) Additional Session Judge Shri Sanjay Bansal, has directed CBI to file status report on the investigation about Tytler’s role in 1984.

The Court has given CBI till march 24 to file their status report. All India Sikh Students Federation president Karnail Singh Peer Mohammad while releasing the information stated that its more than one year when court directed CBI to record the statements of US based witnesses Resham Singh and Jasbir Singh, But till now, CBI did not record their statements.

An Application was moved by “Sikhs For Justice” Lawyer Kamna Vohra before Karkardooma Court demanding CBI should be directed to give status report about ongoing investigation about Tytler.

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