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Dal Khalsa UK Rejects So Called Radhaswami Apology

Ludhiana/London (July 20, 2012): Dal Khalsa UK rejects the so called apology made to the Sikh Nation by the Radhaswami Hindutvadi Dera which was given out in the form of a press note by J C Sethi, the so called Radhaswami District Secretary of Amritsar.

The apology states the following:

News clip source: Daily Ajit (20 July 201) Page 03

‘Due to some misunderstandings from the last few days an atmosphere of tension has prevailed. In this respect we wish to clear that Radha Soami Satsang Beas, has always held all the ten Sikh Gurus and Shri Guru Granth Sahib in high esteem. Even then if feelings of somebody have been hurt due to unintentional folly, we tender apology from the core of our heart’.

The press note in Punjabi further said that ideology of the Dera is based on love and we take different sections of the society along in our endeavor to seek God. The Dera has stated that there was no intention of hurting anybody’s sentiments even for an unknown reason.

The press does not have any mention of the destroyed Gurdwara Sahib at Village Varaich nor does it mention the land of innocent farmers & villagers who’s lands including houses have been illegally taken over & occupied by the Radhawami Dera the press note goes on to say that whatever has happened has happened with complete earnestness and withholding the respect and ‘Maryada’.

“Still if the Dera has become reason of some misunderstanding we extend an apology with all humility”

We ask what does the Cult Dera mean when it says ‘whatever has happened has happened with complete earnestness and withholding the respect and ‘Maryada’?We don’t know what so called Maryada or code of conduct they’re referring to when two Gurdwaras have been confirmed to have been destroyed a third is on the verge of falling in to a trench dug by the Radhaswamis,several Saroops of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are missing,innocent Farmers/Villagers land/houses have been taken over which has driven them out & some have even committed suicide.

What are they making actual the apology for?When they haven’t even owned up to the facts of what they have and are doing with State Support to attack the very fabric & grassroots of the Sikh Faith.

We ask all Sikhs to remain vigilant of these tactics which are designed to divert and subdue Sikh Activism,there will be no compromise with the Radhaswamis who are trying to create an illusion of being Pro Sikh to get away with Beadbi of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj on a daily basis.

The Sikh stance on this to the Radhaswami Cult & the Hindutva Indian State is crystal clear,the land of the innocent Farmers Villagers which is being illegally occupied by force should be rightfully returned along with all and any land on which there was a Gurdwara Sahib,full stop.

The Mainstream Media call Sikhs radicals & extremists for asking for their basic rights,freedom of worship and for the rights of innocent farmers/villagers to live in freedom without fear from Cultist Deras such as the Radhasawmis.Yet the very Cults such as the Radhaswamis who under State Support take over the land of innocent farmers,cut of the electric to villagers and demolish Gurdwaras to expand their Deras are given Police Protection and are portrayed as peaceful.

We also condemn any ‘secret meetings’ between so called Sikh leaders and the leaders of the Radhaswami Dera.There can be no negotiation with these Anti Sikh Forces who’s sole aim is to destablise the Sikh Nation and to ultimately destroy and assimilate it in to their own cults which fits in with the wider Hindutva Agenda.

Over the next few weeks we will hear a lot of hear-say & rumours regarding this issue we should not fall for any lies or deception tactics.Sikhs should be tyar bar tyar for any eventually as we have seen in the last six months the Hindutva Indian State Police have no hesitation to shoot Sikhs dead even when peacefully protesting ie:Shaheed Bhai Jaspal Singh & Bhai Ranjit Singh of Gurdaspur.Therefore we appeal to all Sikhs to educate each other on this issue and to remain united & alert,if any Police or Dera followers attempt to abuse Sikh Human Rights everything should be captured on Mobile Phone Camera Video/Photos.

They will no longer be allowed to get away with abusing the rights of innocent Sikhs,they will no longer be allowed to demolish Gurdwaras & throw half baked apologies to us thinking that we are stupid & will accept them.We are the son’s & daughters of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharajh & history shows that we have always given a befitting reply when challenged by Hindutva Cults such as the Radhaswamis,who under no cost will be allowed to get away with what they’ve done and are doing.The Sikh Nation & all organizations are all united in this new agitation and we will carry on with it until we attain Justice & what is rightfully ours.

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