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Seven Days since their disappearance, no information about two Sikhs picked by Mansa police.

Mansa (October 21, 2009) There is no information regarding whereabouts of two Sikhs picked up by Jhuneer (Mansa) SHO Jasvir Singh on 14 October, 2009 at around 09:45 AM (IST) from their Village Jhanduke based residence. Bibi Rajit Kaur informed that SHO Jasvir Singh was enquiring about her elder son Jagtar Singh and asked her husband Gurbachan Singh (70) and son Avtar Singh (26) to follow him to police station for some inquiry. ‘SHO ensured that they shall be released in the evening but now he says that he is not going to release the duo until Jagtar Singh appear before police’ she informed. Meanwhile, it is learnt from Newspaper reports that the SHO is denying that he has ever arrested Gurbachan Singh and his son.

On the other hand Advocate Ajit Singh Bhangu informed SikhSiyasat Network that there is no case registered against Jagtar Singh and even the police is not tendering any information that why they need Jagtar Singh?

He further informed that this is a clear case of ‘enforced disappearance’ as defined under Article 2 of International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance to which India is also a signatory.

It is learnt that Mansa police is indulged in mass level human rights violations in recent days. Due to police terror many cases of human rights violation are never reported by indigenous people of Punjab. Recently Mansa police was accused for ‘enforced disappearance’ of Sewak Singh a Ph. D. scholar from Punjabi University, Patiala as they kept in in secret confinement for six days. Mansa Police seldom dares to follow procedure established by law while caring out inquiries, arrests, search and seizure or depriving persons from their life and liberty.

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