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Global Sikh Council (GSC) to Hold Annual General Meeting in Bern, Switzerland from 4-7 July

Bern, Switzerland: The Global Sikh Council (GSC) said in a written statement that its Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) will be held on 4th – 7th July 2019 in Bern, Switzerland.

The GSC has requested all its members to send their delegates for participation in decision making process on issues concerning the future of the Global Sikh Community.

“Sikh Organisations worldwide, who are not yet GSC members, are requested to send their representatives to attend this meeting and share their views as well, and evaluate if they would like to join efforts of the GSC”, the statement reads.

At this AGM, GSC will be commemorating the 550th Parkash Gurburab of Guru Nanak ji with an Interfaith Prayers and Discussions followed by a dialogue with World Council of Churches (WCC) on “Pluralistic values in today’s world”, and declaring this year as “Year of Universal Brotherhood”, the GSC said.

The outline of program, as shared with SSN by GSC, is as follows:

4th July:

Discussions on various Sikh issues and Inter faith dialogue

Participants: Delegates and representatives of non-member organizations
Location: Gurdwara Sahib Langenthal, Bern

5th July:

World Council of Churches (WCC) Geneva shall host an Official Dialogue between “Sikhs and Christians” in celebration of the 550th Parkash Gurpurab of Guru Nanak

Participants: Sikh Scholars and WCC Scholars
Location: World Council of Churches (WCC), Geneva.

6th July:

GSC Annual General Body Business Meeting

Participants: GSC Members and potential Members
Location: Gurdwara Sahib Langenthal, Bern

7th July:

Sunday Diwan

Participants: Sangat
Location: Gurdwara Sahib Langenthal, Bern

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