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Hindutva Activists Burn Effigy under Police Protection in Amritsar; Fled in seconds after being challenged by a Singh

Amritsar: A group of Hindutva activists today burned an ‘effigy’ in Amritsar apparently under police protection. A video which surfaced over social networking platform Facebook shows that some Hindutva activists were burning an effigy. The description added the video shows says that the incident took place near Lahorie Gate in Amritsar on Tuesday (6 June). It is clearly visible in the video that the Hindutva activists were being protected by the Punjab police personnel. The police also rounded up some Sikhs who were trying to prevent the activity of Hindutva group.

Interestingly, when one Sikh crosses the ‘line of defence’ maintained by the police, the Hindutva activists waisted not even a second to flee from the scene.

Local sources from Amritsar also confirmed the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) that such an incident did take place today. It is learnt that the Hindutva activists were maintaining that it was an effigy of Shaheed Sant Jarnail Singh Ji.

Sources told SSN that the incident took place around noon on Tuesday and it was planned secretly by the Hindutva activists and no Sikh organization was aware of it. However, on becoming aware of it some Sikhs who were passing by attempted to oppose the outrageous activity that was being conducted under police protection. Ultimately, a Singh who managed to break the defence line formed by the police made Hindutva activists to flee from the scene.

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