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Human Rights Issues Discussed at US Congressional Briefing

Washington DC: Major concerns relating violations of the basic human rights around the world including in India were expressed at the special US Congressional Briefing held in Washington on November 16. The briefing was part of the program to set an agenda for the next UN Conventions on the human rights which will demand accountability from leaders to prevent genocide in 21th century.

Raising the issues of International humanitarian and rights violations, the Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng, said that its high time for the leaders of the world to avoid hate speeches. He said such acts further carry the message of hatred as he warned about a risk of plunging into an ethic war and genocide in south Sudan and other parts of Africa.

Human Rights Issues Discussed at US Congressional Briefing | A view of the event

He said that there is a strong risk of violence escalating with hate speeches as he explained how his office has developed a policy papers which can be used by member state, major leaders, civil society to prevent the incitement of violence which is turning from bad to worse due to rising atrocities. He said that recent reports on conflict in Iraq and Syria renewed focus on prevention and accountability for mass atrocities.

In this light the US Sikh Congressional Caucus said that the Congress has also taken notice, introducing resolution to table certain ongoing atrocities as genocide and introducing legislation to strengthen accountability and a mechanism to prevent such crimes. Congressmen John Garamendi, Patrick Meehan and Jim Costa had invited Adama Dieng, Dr. Iqtidar Karamat Cheema, Director Institute for leadership and community development UK and Matthew Weed of congressional research services on briefing on the said subject.

Human Rights Issues Discussed at US Congressional Briefing | Another view of the event

Dr. Cheema in his address defined Genocide and touched the core issues which are usually excluded in UN Convention on genocide and urged that needs to take up some of the issues like political and social groups should be taken into confidence to initiate discussions in these Conventions. The speakers in briefing also tabled the reports of Sikh Genocide committed in 1984 after the death of Indian Prime Minister Indra Gandhi and blamed that the perpetrator of the Sikh Genocides were yet to be brought to justice.

Congressman Jim Costa in his speech effectively presented the cases of Sikh Genocide and showed the concerns of criminals still at large. John Gremandi, who is Co chairperson of American Sikh Congressional Caucus said today certainly there were some historical cases taken place from Armenia to India of the Sikhs community and advocated how the justice is to be ensured for these communities who faced the organized violence.

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