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Journalist Jagriti Shukla, Who Justified Sikh Genocide, Abused Dalits and called for Massacre in Kashmir, Elevated in Lok Sabha TV

Chandigarh: Jagrati Shukla, an Indian journalist, who has justified of the Sikh Genocide 1984, abused Dalits and called for a massacre in Kashmir, has been appointed in state-run Lok Sabha TV.

Jagrati Shukla recently changed her Work information on Facebook and added ‘consultant, Lok Sabha TV.’

Lok Sabha TV.
Consultant · 10 May 2018 to present · New Delhi
Will now be reporting straight from the epicenter of India’s Democracy – Our Parliament“, reads work description on her Facebook profile.

A former journalist with Zee News, Jagriti Shukla had first gained attention on the microblogging site after she used expletives to justify the gruesome murder of journalist Gauri Lankesh in Bengaluru last year. Reacting to her murder, Shukla had written, “So, Commy Gauri Lankesh has been murdered mercilessly. Your deeds always come back to haunt you, they say. Amen.”

Her another tweet on Lankesh’s murder had said, “Those who blv in bloody Revolution now mourning fate of Gauri Lankesh. How does it feel to be on the receiving end? (sic)

She also justified the 1984 genocide of Sikhs throughout India. She had written, “Sikhs deserved that. What do you expect when you breed hate? They killed Hindus for nothing. Although I don’t support genocide.”

On another occasion, she had posted disparaging tweets mocking the social status of Dalits in India. Her tweet on Dalits had read, “u can say whateve u like. I say that u r a Dalit apologist. And a backward regressive moron. Now go clean toilets. Lol” (the tweet did not appear in Google search at the time of writing this news. But there are media reports available online which authenticates the fact that such a tweet was there.)

While calling for genocide in Kashmir, she had written, “If we need to commit genocide in Kashmir Valley to get rid of all these terrorists and their aides, then let’s do it.” (this tweet too did not appear in Google search at the time of writing this news).

A report in Janta Ka Reporter states that Jagriti Shukla’s Twitter account was reinstated after she agreed to delete offensive tweet.

It is notable Twitter had once suspended Jagriti Shukla’s account for a brief period of time for seemingly instigating lethal violence and advocate genocide against the Muslim community, but her account was subsequently reinstated.

Elevation of such a controversial journalist to state run television channel is being questioned by many concerned sections.

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