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Memorial March foiled; Police surrounded Gurudwaras, More Sikhs arrested.

Mohali/Patiala/ Ropar (June 1, 2010): Punjab government unleashed ‘state terror’ to sabotage ‘Holocaust Memorial march’ that was scheduled to start today. Punjab police, as per directions of the State Government led by Shiromani Akali Dal (Badal) and Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP), surrounded the Gurudwara Sahib situated at historic ground of Chapparchiri to prevent entry of Sikhs. “Section 144 (Cr.P.C) has been imposed by Deputy Commissioner and police shall maintain law and order situation in all cases” a police officer is reported to have said.

Sources have revealed that police personnel in large numbers are deployed at Chapparchiri and even the villagers are deprived of their basic right of free movement. “It seems that Khakki rule has been invoked in Punjab. It is ridiculous that police personnel are preventing natives from moving freely to do their day to day affairs.” said Pardeep Singh, a local resident. “Liberties of civilians have been compromised by the government for its’ political motives.” said Ranjodh Singh, another resident of Mohali, who had participated in Sirhind Fateh March on 12 and 13 May and wished to join Holocaust Memorial March.

Reports from Patiala have revealed that police personnel in large numbers are deployed at Gurudwara DukhNiwaran Sahib under the supervision of High ranked officers.

Bid to March foiled

Paniali: Today leaders of Panch Pardhani led by Bhai Harpal Singh Cheema attempted to start Holocaust Memorial March from Paniali, about fifteen kilometers from Ropar, but the police force suddenly surrounded the Gurudwara Complex, adjoining areas and the premises. While talking to media persons Bhai Harpal Singh Cheema said that the Palki Sahib was to be carried from here to Chapparchiri. It is notable that police has prevented the supply of water and food stuff to the Gurudwara Sahib building where the leaders and workers of Panch Pardhani are surrounded by police. “It is our democratic right to mark the anniversaries of our historic events. A few weeks ago the Government was pro-active to receive the Sirhind Fateh March and you will see that many of the ruling party would attend holocaust memorial samagam to be held by SGPC at Sri Akal Takht Sahib.” said Kummikar Singh Mukandpur, member of National Presidium of Panch Pardhani. “How far the Badal Government is justified in preventing our party to mark the anniversaries of Sirhind Fateh and Third Holocaust, while they themselves would observe these events.” he asked, while alleging that the police action is motivated by Politics.

“Sikh history tells us that Sikhs served water even to the enemy during wars, but it is shameful that Badal Government has cut the supply of water to Gurudwara Sahib, Paniali.” said Makhan Singh Gandhuan, Vice-President of Sikh Students Federation.

It is notable that the Punjab and Haryana High Court has reserved its decision on petition filed by Panch Parhdhani.

Current situation, till the writing of this report, is that many Sikhs are surrounded by the Police at Gurudwara Tibbi Sahib (Ropar) and at a Gurudwara Sahib at Paniali. Police is searching the remaining Panch Pardhani leaders in order to arrest them as per directions of Punjab Government.

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