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Modi Govt. Imposes One Day Ban on NDTV Broadcast; Editors slam move

New Delhi: As per media reports the Narendra Modi led government in India has decided to impose one day ban on a news channel called NDTV as a penalty for its coverage of an attack on the Pathankot air force base earlier this year.  The move is announced by India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) and NDTV would remain Off-Air on November 09.

The leaders of the non-BJP parties and the media bodies also demanded immediate withdrawal of the order imposing the blackout on November 9, notes India Today.

The I&B ministry reportedly said that NDTV’s coverage revealed “strategically-sensitive details” while counter operations by the Indian forces were still on at the Pathankot airbase on January 4, putting not only India’s security but international standing of the country at risk.

NDTV has denied the accusation. “It is shocking that NDTV has been singled out in this manner. Every channel and newspaper had similar coverage. In fact NDTV’s coverage was particularly balanced. After the dark days of the Emergency when the press was fettered, it is extraordinary that NDTV is being proceeded against in this manner. NDTV is examining all options in this matter”, NDTV said in a statement.

The Information and Broadcasting Ministry’s order, however, states that the telecast referred to the ammunition stockpiled in the Pathankot airbase, MiGs, fighter planes, rocket launchers, mortars, helicopters, fuel tanks which was likely to be used by the attackers themselves or their handlers to cause massive harm not only to the civilians and defence personnel.

Editors Guild of India has also issued a statement condemning the Modi government’s move to ban NDTV for one day.

“The Editors Guild of India strongly condemns the unprecedented decision of the inter-ministerial committee of the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to take NDTV India off the air for a day and demands that the order be immediately rescinded”, reads the statement by Editors’ Guild of India.

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