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Nadirshahi government in Punjab: Blog of Justice Markandey Katju

Justice (retd.) Markandey Katju [File Photo]

A delegation of 4 Sikh gentlemen came from Chandigarh to meet me today. We had a long discussion for an hour and a half.

They told me that the present Punjab govt. is behaving totally undemocratically, like Nadir Shah , arresting people who criticize them, and slapping trumped up charges of sedition, etc.against them. They gave a large number of specific instances. All this has created a reign of terror in Punjab.

I told them that I had heard from many sources that this present Punjab Govt. is very corrupt, apart from being despotic.

For quite some time I have been receiving reports of the autocratic and zalim behaviour of the Badal govt. This cannot be tolerated anymore. and must stop.

In a democracy, the people are supreme, and they have a right to criticize the govt. So the bureaucrats and police officers of Punjab who do such illegal acts of arresting and slapping trumped up charges against critics of the state govt. at the behest of their political masters are accessories to high crimes.They must know that at the Nuremburg trials the Nazi war criminals took the plea that orders are orders, but this plea was rejected and they were hanged. So such bureaucrats and police officers are hereby warned and called upon to to stop their illegal acts, and refuse to carry out illegal orders of their political masters, otherwise they will be given harsh punishment.

The delegation invited me to Chandigarh on 10th December as the Chief Guest and Keynote speaker, and I have accepted the invitation.

The function is from 1 p.m. till 4 p.m.

Those interested may contact Mr. Harpal Singh Cheema (mobile 9815360051) or Mr. Amar Singh Chahal, Advocate, (mobile 9814708558).


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