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Paramjeet Singh Pamma’s extradition: Portugal allows more time to Indian authorities; Next hearing on 26 Jan

London: A Portugal court today granted extension of 22 days to the Government of India to submit extradition papers in a case against UK asylum seeker Paramjeet Singh Pamma.

An update by Sikh Council UK reads: “Paramjeet Singh Portugal case- Indian Govt request for 22 days extension (till 26 Jan) to submit extradition papers has been granted”.

Parmjeet Singh Pamma in Police custody

Meanwhile the Sikh Federation UK has announced to continue with its campaign to encourage people to contact their respective MPs against suspected extradition of Paramjeet Singh Pamma to India by Portugal authorities.

Paramjeet Singh Pamma was arrested in Portugal on December 18.

Earlier reports suggested that Indian authorities had been requesting the Portuguese authorities to grant extradition of Sikh activist Paramjit Singh Pamma in three cases: Rulda Singh murder case (2009), Ambala blast case (2009) and Arya Samaj (Patiala) blast case (2009). But according to legal experts India’s claims for extradition of Paramjit Singh Pamma in these cases were weak as these case have already been acquitted by other alleged accused persons.

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