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First Chronicler of 1947 Partition Prof. Kirpal Singh Dies at 95

Chandigarh: Prof. Kirpal Singh, noted historian and the first chronicler of 1947 partition of Punjab, who started building an archive in 1954, passed away today. He was 95.

Prof Kirpal Singh [File Photo]

A report in The Tribune (TT) notes that Prof. Kirpal Singh’s last work was aimed at “fixing the responsibility” for the tragedy. He had once said that not even one of the key figures he had interviewed was ready to take responsibility for the monumental human tragedy that had unfolded seven decades ago.

⊕ ALSO READ: Akal Takht Sahib Honours Dr. Kirpal Singh as National Professor of Sikhism

Till his last days, he believed there was a design behind the idea of Partition which, he said, couldn’t be found in documents, but was visible from the interviews of the architects of Partition he did in the UK, notes the TT news report written by journalist Vishav Bharti.

⊕ ALSO READ: SGPC General House – Bibi Kiranjot Kaur Raises Voice for Dr. Kirpal Singh but Goes Unheard

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