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Scotland Referendum – Significance and Implications for the States & the Struggling Nations

Scotland Referendum - Significance and Implications for the States & the Struggling Nations


Topic: Significance and Implications of Scotland Referendum

Host: Paramjeet Singh

Participants: S. Ajmer Singh (Sikh Thinker and Author) and S. Jaspal Singh Sidhu (Senior Journalist)

Brief Introduction:
A referendum on the issue of Independence was held in Scotland on 18 Sept. 2014 and the results were declared on 19 Sept. About 45% people vote for Independence of Scotland where as 55% voted in favor of staying with the United Kingdom. The Scotland Referendum 2014 holds a unique significance as it has clearly broken the notion that the boundaries created by (so-called) Nation-States can’t be altered. Secondly, Scotland referendum establishes that in civil societies and working democracies will of the people matters more than superficial notions of territorial unity and integrity. Scotland referendum has established that Nation-State boundaries are not any divine creation and the world map can witness changes according to the will of the people.

The Scotland Referendum 2014 has it’s own implications for the States as well as the nations/ people struggling for their independence.

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