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Sexual Harassment Allegations Against India’s Chief Justice Must be Independently and Fairly Investigated: Oxfam

New Delhi: On 6th May 2019, the in-house committee of the Supreme Court cleared allegations of sex harassment by a former woman employee against Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi. The panel of three judges ruled that there was “no substance” in the allegations.

“Women’s rights groups have continuously highlighted lapses in due process, including denial of a lawyer to the complainant, public defaming of her by the accused, and most importantly, the constitution of the committee itself”, Oxfam said in a written statement (copy available with Sikh Siyasat News).

Women survivors face huge barriers to reporting sexual violence and harassment- from victim-blaming to stigma, discrimination and fear of retaliation. Oxfam India said that it firmly believes that given these serious concerns around due process, and the imbalance of power, the concerns of the complainant must be taken seriously, and an independent investigation be ensured.

Women Protest Outside Indian Supreme Court; 55 Taken into Custody

A view of May 7 protest outside Indian Supreme Court

A number of women protested outside the Indian Supreme Court yesterday to protest against ‘clean chit’ of Indian Chief Justice in allegations of sexual harassment. Media reports say that 55 protesters were taken into custody by the police for violation of section 144 of Code of Criminal Procedure which prohibits assembly of more than four persons.

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