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‘Sikhs are not Hindus’ White House Petition crosses 100K mark

[File Photo]

New York, USA: A White House petition moved by a Sikh rights organization ‘Sikhs For Justice’ (SFJ) has crossed the mark of 1,00,000 signatures. SFJ said that in order to get official response from the Obama administration the petition was required to get 1,00,000 signatures before 31 December, 2014.

The petition known as ‘Sikhs are not Hindus’ White House petition urges US President Barack Obama to question Indian Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi that ‘WHY Indian constitution labels “Sikhs” as Hindus?’.

The petition also urges Barack Obama to raise the issues of “Sikh Genocide” and “Sikhs’ Right to Self-determination” with Indian government and Narendra Modi during his proposed visit to India in January 2015 to attend India’s republic day in 26 January.

Question Modi “WHY Indian constitution labels ‘Sikhs’ as Hindus?” while attending Constitution Day events on January 26. ~ View or Sign petition at ~

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