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Two groups clash at Patna Sahib; Many injured including Jathedar

Patna Sahib, Bihar (January 07, 2014): It is learnt from certain sources that a violent clash took place between two groups at Patna Sahib on early morning of January 07, 2014.

Giani Iqbal Singh [File Photo]

Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) sources revealed from Patna Sahib that many Sikhs including Takht Patna Sahib Jathedar Iqbal Singh were sustained injuries in this clash.

Sources informed that heavy police force has been deployed at Patna Sahib in wake of incident and the Sikh devotees, who were visiting Patna Sahib in wake of Parkash Gurpurb of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, have been asked to remain in their rooms at Sarai Niwas.

More details were awaited at the time of writing this news.

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