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Connecticut (USA) Town Southington Officially Recognizes November 1984 Genocide Against Sikhs in India

Southington, Connecticut, USA: The Southington Town Council became first authority in East Coast to officially recoginse the fact of Sikh Genocide of 1984. The council of Southington town in Connecticut also offered their sincere condolences for the November 1984 Sikh Genocide and marked the 32nd year anniversary of the horrific genocidal massacres, which claimed the lives of thousands of innocent Sikhs throughout India in the first week of November 1984 Sikh Genocide.

Michael A. Riccio, Southington Town Council Chairman, along with Christopher J. Palmieri, Southington Town Councilman on behalf of the entire Southington Town Council, officially acknowledged the terrible events surrounding the “November 1984 Sikh Genocide” in India.

Kanwaljit Singh resident of Southington and President “Global Sikh Association” along with Swaranjit Singh Khalsa Member Commission of City Planning for City of Norwich and President “Sikh Sewak Society International USA” worked with Town Council of Southington to recognised 1984 November violence as Genocide.

Manmohan Singh Bharara President Gurudwara Sachkhand Darbar and one of the most dedicated Sikh of Connecticut also provided written documentation to Town of Southington.

Kuljit Singh,Komal Singh and Maninder Singh Arora from Gurudwara Dukh Nivaran Sahib Windsor also welcomed the decision by Town of Southington.

Swaranjit Singh Khalsa said that “By recognising this as genocide Town of Southington has proven that they feel the pain of Sikhs all across the globe”.

Khalsa said “I urge other cities of Connecticut to also declare it as a genocide so at least Sikhs outside India can have some closure”.

Connecticut (USA) Town Southington Officially Recognizes November 1984 Genocide Against Sikhs in India [November 28, 2016)

He also Thanked Southington City Council On behalf of City of Norwich and Sikh community and made a statement that “Actions speak Louder than words and Town of Southington has proven by providing proclamation that they stand with Sikhs of Connecticut”.

Kanwaljit Singh, founder of Global Sikh Association also express his sincere thanks to Southington Town Council to recognize & remember “November 1984 Sikh Genocide”.

Manmohan Singh Bharara Co-Founder of Southington Sikh Temple Gurdwara Sahib and Founder of Hamden Gurudwara Sachkhand Darbar gave a speech to make everyone aware how Sikhs are still slaves in India and How Indian Constitution 25(B) say sikhs are Hindu and trying to wash out minorities from India.

Veer Singh President Norwalk Sikh Gurdwara, Jai Kishan Singh from Norwalk and many other respected members of Sikh community also came to pay their regards and to thank Southington City Council.

The official proclamation by the Southington Town Council reads as follows:


Be it hereby known that:

The Southington Town Counicl hereby offers its
Sincerest condolences for the:

November 1984 Sikh Genocide

Whereas, November 2016 marked the 32nd year anniversary of the horrific anti-Sikh pogroms, which claimed the lives of thousands of innocent Sikhs throughout India in the first week of November 1984 Sikh Genocide; and

Whereas, Sikhs were beaten with iron rods; forcibly shorn of their hair, doused with kerosene; and set on fire; Children as old as 13 days of age roasted alive and killed ruthlessly; while their mothers were being gang raped: and sexually assaulted: and

Whereas, Sikh homes, businesses, and houses of worship (Gurdwaras) were looted, damaged, and destroyed during the pogroms resulted in the intentional and irreparable destruction: and Whereas, Eyewitnesses, journalists, and human rights activists have compiled evidence showing that government and law enforcement officials organized, participated in, and failed to intervene to prevent the brutal killings through direct and indirect means; and

Whereas, Individuals and organizations throughout the world, recognizing the need for justice, continue to demand prosecution of those responsible for the November 1984 anti-Sikh pogroms; Now, therefore, be it resolved that I, Michael A. Riccio, Southington Town Council Chairman, along with Christopher J. Palmieri, Southington Town Councilman on behalf of the entire Southington Town Council, hereby officially acknowledge the terrible events surrounding the “Noverpl?er 1984 Sikh Genocide” in India.


Given this 28th day of November 2016


Michael A. Riccio

Christopher J. Palmieri,

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Genocide, Eight Stages of Genocide and Sikh Genocide 1984: Parmjeet Singh’s Speech During Seminar


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