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Giani Iqbal Singh triggers controversy by making “Tankhaiya” reference for acting Jathedars

Amritsar: Giani Iqbal Singh, who was present during a meeting of Jathedars at Akal Takht secretariat today, said that Bhai Dhian Singh Mand, Bhai Amrik Singh Ajnala and Bhai Baljit Singh Daduwal were not honoured from Takht Sri Harmandar Sahib, Patna Sahib during their recent visit at Patna Sahib in Bihar.

He said that the management of Takht Patna Sahib did not recognize Bhai Dhian Singh Mand, Bhai Amrik Singh Ajnala and Bhai Baljit Singh Daduwal as “Jatehdars”.

Giani Iqbal Singh [May 16, 2016]

He said that the concerned member of Takht Patna Sahib board who bestowed Siropas to acting Jathedars was himself a “patit” and a “tankhaiya” and by accepting “siropa” form “such a person”, acting jathedars have also turned “tankhaiyas”. He was answering to media queries about honour of acting jathedars at Takht Patna Sahib.

When some reporters asked Giani Iqbal Singh to share his views about Tara Singh, president of Takht Hazur Sahib management board, he said that only Takht Hazur Sahib representative Giani Jyotinder Singh could answer this query. Reporters present at during the press conference told Sikh Siaysat News that media persons were just turning their camera lenses towards Giani Jyotinder Singh that Giani Gurbachan Singh intervened and announced that the time for media interaction was over. Notably Tara Singh is considered to be an activist of Hindutva outfit RSS and his conduct defies Sikh ethos and maryada.

Notably, Giani Gurbachan Singh, Giani Iqbal Singh, Giani Mal Singh, Giani Gurmukhi Singh and Giani Ram Singh (Granthi of Takht Hazoor Sahib) had granted (socalled) pardon to Dera Sauda Sirsa chief on 24 September 2015. The Sikh panth at large has rejected these persons as jathedars of Sikh takhts but with the backing of SGPC and other management bodies, these persons are still acting as jathedars.

On the other hand some Sikh groups had appointed new acting jathedars during November 10, 2015 Panthic gathering called Sarbat Khalsa 2015. But the new appointments were not recognised by the SGPC, DSGMC and some other Sikh groups.

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