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Sikh leaders criticize misguiding projection of pardon row by Indian Media

Chandigarh: Slamming the Indian media for projecting the pardon row (so-called pardon to dera Sauda Sirsa chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim by Five Singh Sahibs) in a wrong way, Sikh leaders Bhai Harcharanjeet Singh Dhami and Bhai Kulvir Singh Barapind said “[g]oing by the so-called mainstream Indian media reports, it’s made to understand that only hardliners are opposing the Takht decision, leaving the impression as if (so-termed) moderates were in favour.

HS Dhammi (L) and Kulvir Singh Barapind (R)

“To drive their point home, they named Joginder Singh Vedanti , Gaini Kewal Singh, Sukhdev Singh Bhaur, Bhai Panthpreet Singh, Bibi Kiranjot Kaur and others who were well-known personalities with moderate thoughts and have opposed the decision vocally and boldly. Right from (so-called) “moderates” to “hardliners”, all Sikhs are unanimous that this decision is nothing but fraud on the community played by politicians only to further their electoral benefits”, they concluded.

RELATED/ ALSO READ: Pardon Drama: Committee of experts by Jathedar’s a diversionary tactic: Sikh leaders


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