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Twitter Blocking Links; Sikh Netizen Social Media Giant Accused of Bias

Chandigarh: Micro blogging giant Twitter is blocking tweets with links of website. The website is launched by a human rights and advocacy group called Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) for triggering a campaign to get international recognition for the fact of ‘Sikh Genocide’ of 1984.

The fact that Twitter is blocking tweets with links of came to the notice of Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) after some twitter users mentioned @sikhsiyasat (official twitter handle of the Sikh Siyasat News) to tweets informing the issue.

Sikh Siyasat confirmed it multiple times using twitter handles of the SSN team that twitter is not allowing tweets with links of It seems that the social media giant has blocked/blacklisted the website’s url (link).

Sikh netizens are tweeting to @twittersupport against this blockage. They are also accusing Twitter for alleged bias against the campaign seeking recognition for the fact of Sikh Genocide of 1984.

It is notable that in November 1984 thousands of Sikhs brutally murdered and burnt alive in genocidal massacres carried throughout the Indian subcontinent. It is now an established fact that the genocide was planned and carried by the Indian state apparatus. The fact of Sikh Genocide has already been recognised by many international authorities including various city councils in the United States of America, provincial parliament of Ontario in Canada, Senate of Connecticut state in USA and state assembly of Pennsylvania (USA). Even the Delhi state assembly in 2015 passed a unanimous motion recognising the Sikh Genocide of 1984. All this backs the legitimacy of the campaign seeking international recognition for the fact of Sikh Genocide of 1984 and Twitter’s move to block the campaign website on it’s network raises many questioned about impartiality and even credibility of the social media platform.


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