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World Sikh Parliament’s Response To Fresh Canadian Revelations on India’s Covert Operations

October 16, 2024 | By

Washington, USA: In a response to recent revelations of alleged foreign interference and transnational repression by the Indian State targeting the Sikhs, the World Sikh Parliament has publicly commended the Government of Canada for its decisive action against Indian diplomats allegedly involved in criminal activities targeting the Sikh community.

Full text of the statement reads as follows:-

World Sikh Parliament Commends Canadian Government for Taking a Stand Against Oppression and Defending Human Rights

The World Sikh Parliament commends the Government of Canada and its law enforcement agencies for their courageous and principled action in expelling Indian diplomats involved in criminal activities that endangered the Sikh community and Canadians at large. This decisive step comes after serious allegations of interference, violence, and coercion by Indian government agents on Canadian soil. The expulsion of these diplomats sends a powerful message that Canada will not tolerate violations of its sovereignty or threats to its citizens. This action underscores the fundamental responsibility of a democratic government to protect its people. Hon. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau articulated this clearly, stating, “The government of India made a fundamental error in thinking that they could engage in supporting criminal activity against Canadians, here on Canadian soil. Whether it be murders or extortion or other violent acts, it is absolutely unacceptable.”

Trudeau’s words resonate deeply with the Sikh community, which has long faced transnational repression at the hands of the Indian state. For years, Sikhs have been falsely branded as “Khalistani terrorists” in an effort to discredit and malign their legitimate aspirations for justice and self-determination. These labels are not only baseless but are part of a wider strategy by the Indian government to suppress dissent and defame those who stand up for human rights. We must unequivocally state: A Khalistani can never be a terrorist, and a terrorist can never be a Khalistani. The very essence of the term “Khalistani” is rooted in the concept of Khalsa, which was established by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to defend the oppressed, uphold justice, and protect human rights. Throughout history, the Khalsa has stood for peace, equality, and the protection of all communities. This must be reminded that the Khalistani movement is a fight against oppression and injustice, not against any religion or people. Our struggle is with the policies of the Indian state, not against Hindus or any other community.

Law Enforcement Action: A Step Toward Justice
Hon. Harjit Sajjan, Minister of Emergency Preparedness, expressed his relief at seeing justice take its course: “It is good to see law enforcement continue to do their work on a matter that has been gravely affecting the Sikh community. I am thankful we live in Canada where the rule of law is upheld.” His words underscore the importance of living in a nation where justice prevails, and where no community—no matter how marginalized—is left unprotected from foreign interference and violence. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) confirmed that Indian government agents were involved in a range of criminal activities, including murder, extortion, and coercion, aimed at the Sikh community and other Canadian citizens. RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme warned that this poses a “significant threat to public safety,” adding that Indian diplomats had “leveraged their official position to engage in clandestine activities.” These revelations make clear the breadth and depth of India’s interference in Canada, targeting the Sikh community through intimidation and violence. Prime Minister Trudeau also emphasized the gravity of the situation during a Thanksgiving Monday press conference, stating, “No country, particularly not a democracy that upholds the rule of law, can accept this fundamental violation of its sovereignty.” The World Sikh Parliament fully agrees with these sentiments and stands in solidarity with the Canadian government in its efforts to defend Canadian values and democracy.

A Call for Justice and Unity
The Sikh community has long been the target of transnational repression, particularly under the current Indian government. For decades, Indian state actors have attempted to stifle Sikh voices, both in India and abroad. These latest revelations are yet another example of the lengths to which the Indian government will go to silence those who advocate for justice and human rights.

The World Sikh Parliament reiterates that the Khalistani movement is about the Sikh community’s right to self-determination and justice—not about animosity towards Hindus or any other faith group. Sikh philosophy is founded on Sarbat da Bhala, the well-being of all, and the Sikh people have always strived to serve humanity, regardless of religion or background. Our fight has always been against the oppressive policies of the Indian state, not against any particular religious or ethnic group.

The World Sikh Parliament calls upon Sikhs globally, as well as all Canadians, to recognize the critical importance of political engagement. The Sikh vote is essential to ensuring that our voices are heard, that our rights are protected, and that no government—whether foreign or domestic—can undermine our freedoms. Political participation is not just a right; it is a duty for all Sikhs to help shape the future of the community and the nation.

Transnational Repression and the Sikh Struggle
The recent actions of Indian agents in Canada are not isolated incidents; they are part of a larger strategy to suppress the Sikh diaspora’s call for justice. RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme warned that this repression poses an ongoing threat to the safety and security of Canadians, particularly members of the Sikh community advocating for Khalistan. As Prime Minister Trudeau noted, “Whether it be murders, extortion, or other violent acts, it is absolutely unacceptable.” The World Sikh Parliament calls on the international community to take note of these violations of Canadian sovereignty and the human rights abuses orchestrated by Indian government agents. We urge other democratic nations to stand with Canada in condemning such transgressions and protecting their own citizens from similar threats.

The World Sikh Parliament thanks the Hon. Prime Minister Trudeau, the Canadian judiciary, the RCMP, and all Canadian officials for their unwavering dedication to justice, human rights, and the rule of law. Canada has once again demonstrated that it is a country where the rights of all communities are defended, and where foreign interference will not be tolerated.

We call upon Sikhs worldwide to continue advocating for their rights in accordance with Sikh values and to remain active in political processes. Let us remain united, vigilant, and committed to ensuring that Sikhs can live in peace and security, free from transnational repression and injustice.

Issued by:
Manpreet Singh (General Secretary)
Himmat Singh (Coordinator)

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