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A student from Arunachal Pardesh beaten to death in suspected hate-crime in Delhi

January 31, 2014 | By

New Delhi, India (January 31, 2014) As per media reports [i]n a gruesome incident, a student from North-west state of Arunachal Pradesh, Nido Taniam, was beaten to death in Delhi in a suspected hate-crime. The incident took place on January 29 at Lajpat Nagar in Southeast Delhi. Nido Taniam, a student, was the son of an Arunachal MLA.

According to IBNLive [h]is body is in the mortuary of the All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). According to the friends and relatives there was some altercation with a shopkeeper which escalated. The victim’s family has alleged that he was beaten to death.

Nido Taniam, Arunachal Pradesh boy killed in Delhi

Nido Taniam, Arunachal Pradesh boy killed in Delhi

“Some say the shopkeepers and a few others made some obscene remarks on his blonde hair. It led to the fight. The police picked up the boy and later dropped him back in the same locality” a news on IBNlive website noted.

After that the shopkeeper and his friends allegedly beat him up again. He lost his life on January 30.

As per media reports [t]he Aam Aadmi Party government has put the blame on the Delhi Police. The party hit out at Delhi Police over death of saying the Delhi Police should take responsibility. The AAP questioned as to why an FIR was not lodged. AAP leader Dilip Pandey said, “Police should nab the accused without any delay.”

Activist Binalakshmi Nepram has tweeted, “Shopkeepers #LajpatNagar made fun of victim’s blonde hair. Argument broke out. 6-8 locals came out and thrashed victim with Iron rods & sticks (sic).” “Police arrived/settled case with fine Rs. 10,000 & took deceased to PS but later policemen dropped him at same place where fight took place (sic),” she added.

As per IBNlive: [t]he people from the North East have demanded the strictest action against both police and the attackers.

Arunachal Pradesh Resident Commissioner Avinash Kumar said, “The police must act and arrest those behind this. It’s a heinous crime. The Northeast students are very agitated. We will ensure that the culprits are booked under the law. We will send the body to his native place on Saturday morning.”

According to reports, Taniam died due to internal injuries. After the scuffle he came back to his house and he never woke up after that.

As per certain media reports the eye witnesses of the incident said that the altercation began when he broke the window of a sweet shop.

He broke the window after they made comments about his hair (he had blonde hair), said his friends.

The Northeast community has decided to hold a protest march on tomorrow (February 01) in front of the same sweet shop. The name of the sweet shop is Rajasthan Sweet Shop.

Union Minister for Minority Affairs Ninong Ering, who also hails from Arunachal Pradesh, has expressed shock over the incident. He has demanded a thorough probe and punishment.

The people are alleging that the police have failed to protect him. They feel that they should not have brought him back to the same place.

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