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Independence Day of Pakistan & India, because of Sikhs

As we all know that today i.e. on 14th August is the Independence Day of Pakistan and tomorrow i.e. on 15th August is the Independence Day of India. In both these countries these days are celebrated with great Spirit. People from both the countries used to remember their freedom fighters on these days and salutes them who laid down their lives for the freedom of their respective countries.

Sexual Harassment in Indian Army (-by Sajjad Shaukat)

Although the confidence of the Indian soldiers over their leadership has already been shattering due to their involvement in malpractices such as land mafia groups, bribery and financial embezzlements, yet sexual harassment, raping women and involvement in sex scandals have given a greater blow to the Indian Army.

Canadian Government has taken the right decision to rejecting the Visa Applications

Few Days back a local court of Bihar acquitted all 27 accused involved in anti-Sikh roits of 1984 in the absence of witnesses against them. ...

Badal Government on the foot-prints of Indira Gandhi & Aurangzeb

Today Badal Government stopped the 'Ghalughara Yadgari March' by using the police force on Sikhs just to please Shiv Sena (Bal Thakre), B.J.P. & R.S.S. Now Badal is moving on the footsteps of Indira Gandhi or we can say he moves one step ahead of her.

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