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Badal diverting intentions of people by talking of “traditional issues”, says Jakhar

June 16, 2014 | By

Moga, Punjab (June 16, 2014): On the issue of transferring Chandigarh to Punjab state, Congress Legislative Party leader Sunil Jakhar has stated that the Badals are diverting the intension of the people from the real issue for what they had met Modi three days ago.

Sunil Jakhar [File Photo]

Sunil Jakhar [File Photo]

“The real issue was to get back the debit Punjab had paid to centre for expenditures on paramilitary forces during armed Sikh struggle and the waiving of the part of that debit which is being demanded by centre”, said Jakhar.

“However, we also favour the demand of transferring Chandigarh to Punjab, but Badals are politicizing the issue to get political mileage only”, said Jakhar while talking to Zee Punjabi news channel.

“Punjab should be given its right on Chandigarh”, he said while praising captain Amrinder Singh for passing Punjab Termination of Agreements Act (PTAA) to save waters of Punjab.

It is notable that PTAA was propagated as a pro-Punjab daring step of Congress party chief minister Capt. Amrinder Singh, however this enactment had legalized the loot of Punjab waters by non-riparian state of Rajasthan, Delhi and Haryana.

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