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Indian media’s report on Canadian Sikhs sparks strong reactions

April 12, 2016 | By

Chandigarh: A news report in various outlets of Indian media has sparked strong reaction over social media. In a recent report Zee News said: “[i]n a major development, terror outfit ISIS has joined hands with Canada-based Sikh militant outfits for a major terror attack in Delhi”. Zee news quoted undisclosed/ unnamed “sources” while making such allegations against Canadian Sikhs.

“The attack input has come to light after intelligence agencies intercepted telephonic conversation of a woman Sikh terrorist”, reads Zee News report.

A screenshot from Zee Punjabi News report | Source: Facebook

A screenshot from Zee Punjabi News report | Source: Facebook

India Today, another media outlet, report reads: “A Sikh-Canadian woman, suspected to be an ISIS agent, may carry out terror strikes in Delhi along with other associates who are already in the Capital, according to a specific intelligence input”.

The reports were published on April 11 (Zee News) and April 12 (India Today). The timing of the reports coincides with celebration of Sikh festival of Vaisakhi in the Canadian parliament. Notably Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has also released a video message congratulating the Canadian Sikh community. He also praised the ideals of the Khalsa order.

Indian media reports are being viewed as an attempt to defame the Canadian Sikh community. Sikh netizens have reacted strongly to these reports in Indian media.

“An example of media wars : Type “Sikhs in Canada” in Google today and click on “news”. You will see evidence of how Indian media has implanted a fake story in an attempt to link “Canadian Sikhs ” as “terrorists” who are aligning with “ISIS” to attack India ( They purposely use the terms “Canadian” “Sikhs” and “terrorists” in their news item in order to counter the positive news of Canada giving recognition to Canadian Sikhs by commemorating Khalsa Pargat Diwas at Canadian Parliament )……. Indian media thus still continues it’s carefully planned attack on sikhs as Sikhs attain their unique recognition in Canada as Sikh Canadians. Canadian media meanwhile has shed the term ” Indo Canadians” for sikhs in Canada and rather has adopted the term “Sikh Canadians” for them. Canadian PM has been insistent on using the term “Sikh Canadians” repeatedly”, wrote Avtar Singh on Facebook.

“Indian government is not happy with the development of stature of Sikhs in Canada and making fake stories”, wrote Sunny Saluja on Facebook while referring to news report by Zee News.

Indian media has gone man over high spirits of Canadian Sikhs, wrote Mandeep Singh on Facebook.

Shanuprit Singh wrote (on Facebook): “This is why i hate this f biased news channel… Paid media. While whole world is appraising Canada for appreciating Sikhs and for apologise for the 1914 incident”.

Referring to Zee News report, Man Deep wrote on Facebook: “Another Hindian lie to degrade and defame Sikhs…Sikhs will.never team up with an oppressor Such as Isis…Just filth from the indian govt\media. makes me want to spit in there face so low so Disgusting a lie. …. Long Live Humanity. Revolution and Justice ..God bless the Panth. May we be aware and united against tyranny”.

“Shame, shame!! When whole of Canada is busy in celebrating baisakhi the paid Indian media is trying to spread rumors and hatred Still no problem !! Sikhs never kill innocents! Try whatever you can but the “Sikh nation” is inevitable!” wrote Amandeep Singh on Facebook.

“When western nations are giving more n more respect to Sikh community, Indian media and government starts feeling jealous. Recently Akhand Path was held inside Candian Parliament on the eve of Vaisakhi and Canadian PM apologised for Kamagatamaru incident and Indian media in the headlines below say…..

*ISI is trying to send ISIS and Sikh terrorist organisations to India.

*Some Sikh terrorist organisations of Canada are trying to organise a terrorist attack in India.

*When Modi was visiting UK, Indian media was like Sikh radicals give training to children regarding making a bomb in UK Gurudwaras which the UK police denied categorically.

Indians love to use the word radical, extremist and terrorist for Sikhs. This is why the demand of Sovereignty is increasing in Sikh community.”, Inderjeet Singh wrote on Facebook.

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