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Letter to Mr. John Baird about his comments on so-called Sikh extremism in Canada: Kanwal Jit Singh Gill

September 18, 2012 | By

Ludhiana/Punjab (September 18, 2012): Sikh Siyasat has received a copy of Letter by Kanwal Jit Singh Gill (Surrey, Canada) written to Mr. John Baird, Foreign Minister of Canada about his comments on so-called Sikh extremism. The text of this letter is reproduced as follows:


Mr. John Baird

Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Dear Mr. Baird,

I was very disappointed to read your comments to control Sikh extremist activities in Canada, during your recent visit to India. Have you or CSIS really seen such extremism in Canada or made this statement just to please Indian Govt. for business and political reasons? How come the Indian Govt. always know about Sikh extremist activities in Canada and tell Canadian Govt. about them? Are the Indian Intelligence agents in Canada doing better job and know more than Canada’s own CSIS agents?

Over the years we have seen that whenever Indian Govt. complains about Sikh activities in Canada, the Canadian Govt. and Minister has always reacted this way and made such statements to control Sikh extremism. But has the Minister ever questioned where such Sikh extremism is and who are these extremists? Why the CSIS doesn’t know anything about them and always get this information from Indian Intelligence agents? Is it very legal by International standards for Indian Intelligence agents to work in Canada?

One thing Mr. Baird you should have questioned from the Indian Govt. That how come India’s Intelligence Wing(IB) is so smart that they know everything about Sikh extremist activities in Canada, But the same smart IB don’t know anything about the guilty persons who killed thousands of innocent persons in 1984 Sikh Genocide in India? Why that smart IB has failed to arrest, charge or punish the guilty persons in 28 years?

One thing Indian Govt. knows that Sikhs in Canada and other western countries are raising voice for 1984 Sikh Genocide victim families and demanding justice for them. The Sikhs in Canada have been trying to influence Canadian Govt. and Media etc. to demand justice from the Indian Govt. for 1984 Sikh Genocide victim families. But unfortunately so far in 28 years the Canadian Govt. who calls itself champions to raise voice against Human Rights violations and innocent killings, has failed to raise voice for thousands of innocent persons killed in 1984 Sikh Genocide.

Does Canadian Govt. really cares about Human Rights violations and innocent killings or is following a policy of Double Standards? Many times I have read in the newspapers Canadian Govt. & Minister criticising certain Govts. for even one innocent person killed in certain countries. But why the same Canadian Govt. has failed to raise voice for thousands of innocent persons killed in 1984 Sikh Genocide in India?

Why can’t the Canadian Govt. criticise Indian Govt. for its failure to provide justice to the victim families and punish the guilty persons in 28 years? Are the business and political relations more important than raising voice against Human Rights violations and innocent killings? Can you question Indian Govt. Why it is telling Sikhs to forget whatever happened in 1984 rather than demanding justice for the victim families?

But when the Sikhs in Canada and other western countries raise voice for 1984 victim families and demand justice for them, the Indian Govt. is quick to label them as extremists. And unfortunately the Canadian Govt. just follows the Indian Govt. and promise them to control Sikh extremism in Canada.

I am really disappointed with Mr. Baird your such statement and your failure to demand justice for thousands of innocent persons killed in 1984 Sikh Genocide.

Yours disappointed Canadian,

Kanwal Jit Singh Gill
Surrey, Canada

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