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Canadian Soccer Association

Sikh children playing soccer

Canadian Sikh body welcomes the lifting of Quebec Soccer Turban Ban

Ottawa (June 15, 2013): It was announced today by the Quebec Soccer Federation (QSF) that it will immediately lift its ban on the wearing of turbans by Sikh players. The World Sikh Organization of Canada welcomes the long overdue move and hopes Sikh children who had previously been excluded will now be given the chance to rejoin their friends on the pitch.

Dilpreet Singh plays in a pick-up soccer game in Montreal. The Quebec Soccer Federation has lifted its ban on the wearing of turbans in organized games.

Quebec Soccer Federation officially lifts ban from Sikh turbans/ patkas/ keskis

Quebec/ Canada (June 15, 2013): According to a CTV news: “[a]dopting an apologetic tone, the Quebec Soccer Federation has lifted its ban on players wearing turbans, patkas and keskis on the pitch”. QSF director general Brigitte Frot reportedly announced the reversal of the contentious ban during a news conference on the morning of June 15, 2013.

World Sikh Organization of Canada welcomes clear turban directions from FIFA

WSO President Prem Singh Vinning said, “while it has been our position from the outset that the accommodation of the turban should not hinge on FIFA rules but instead on our Canadian rules and law and on our tradition of diversity and acceptance, this announcement is certainly good news. It is now absolutely clear that there should be no restriction on the wearing of the turban by Sikh players.”

Turban Ban on Soccer players in Quebec – FIFA Statement on head covers

Zurich, Switzerland (June 14, 2013): It is learnt that Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) has sent a letter to the Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) on 13 June 2013 to inform the CSA that: Following communication between the CSA and FIFA, the matter related to Law 4 – The Player’s Equipment, the use of head covers and the situation arisen within the CSA has been presented to the members of the International Football Association Board (IFAB) for discussion.

A Brossard soccer team wore turbans in a recent game to express solidarity with players banned for wearing turbans. (Photo Courtesy- CTV Montreal)

Quebec Soccer Federation to reveal decision on Turban ban in 10 days; Brossard team sported in turbans to show solidarity

Montreal/ Canada (June 12, 2013): It is learnt that the Quebec Soccer Federation has made a decision concerning its ban on turbans on the soccer pitch but will only reveal it in 10 days. It is notable that the Canadian Soccer Association suspended the provincial association on June 10, 2013 after it showed no sign of overturning its decision to to uphold a ban on Sikh turbans, patkas and keskis on the soccer pitch.

Canadian Soccer Association suspends Quebec Soccer Federation over it’s decision to ban Sikh turban

The Canadian Soccer Association has requested on 6 June that the Quebec Soccer Federation reverse its position on turbans/patkas/keski with no resolution,” said Victor Montagliani, President of the Canadian Soccer Association, following the Board of Directors meeting. “The Quebec Soccer Federation’s inaction has forced us to take measures in order to ensure soccer remains accessible to the largest number of Canadians.