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Teeja Ghallughara

Labour Calls for Inquiry into UK’s Role in June 1984 Attack on Darbar Sahib

Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner and Labour candidate for Coventry South, Zarah Sultana, have called for an inquiry into Britain’s involvement in the June 1984 attack by Indian army on the Darbar Sahib and Akal Takht Sahib in Amritsar, marking the 40th anniversary of June 1984.

US Gurdwara Call for Concepts of June 1984 Ghallughara Memorial Design

In an initiative to honor the memory of the Sikh warriors who stood for the truth and honor of the Gurdhams against the might of repressive state during the June 1984 attack on Darbar Sahib (Amritsar) and other Gurdwaras across Punjab, Gurdwara Sahib Fremont has announced plans to build a memorial. 

Reasons Behind Ghallughara 1984? What is the Current Situation of Sikhs? What Sikhs Should Do Now?

A Gurmat Samagam commemorating the 40th anniversary of Teeja Ghallughara, was held at the historic Gurdwara Manji Sahib in Nawanshahr on 9 June 2024.

Teeja Ghallughara, Jang, Shahadat and the Sikhs: Exclusive Lecture of Dr. Kanwaljit Singh

Listen to an insightful lecture by Dr. Kanwaljit Singh at the Gurmat Samagam, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Teeja Ghallughara (June 1984).

New Book ‘Amarnama’ Unveiled During Panthic Diwan

The book "Amarnama" was unveiled during a Panthic Diwan at Gurdwara Attari Sahib, Sultanwind (Amritsar).

“Amarnama” New Book Unveiling the Untold Saga of Sikh Struggle To Be Released on 6 June

Amritsar: Harpreet Singh Longowal, author of “Raj Yogi” and the brief biography of Sant Attar Singh Mastuana, is poised to release his latest work, “Amarnama”. ...

40 Years of Teeja Ghallughara: Samagam held, Book “Rajghat Te Hamla” Released at Kotbhara

Sikh sangat of Kotbhara village and Panth Sewak Bhai Hardeep Singh Mehraj organized a Gurmat Samagam on 25th May 2024 to commemorate the 4oth anniversary of Teeja Ghallughara

Sikh Shahadat Magazine to Host Discussion on 40th Anniversary of Teeja Ghallughara

Sikh Shahadat, a prominent Punjabi quarterly magazine focusing on Sikh and Punjab related issues, is set to hold a discussion marking the 40th anniversary of Teeja Ghallughara.