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Sikh bodies recall intervention of Giani Gubachan Singh in Sikh political prisoners’ issue

December 23, 2014 | By

Amritsar: A delegation of representatives of certain Sikh groups reportedly met Giani Gurbachan Singh on December 22 regarding Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa’s continuing hunger strike at Gurdwara Lakhnaur Sahib in Ambala. The delegation comprising representatives of ‘International Sikh Organization’ and ‘AISSF (Peermohammad)’ met Giani Gurbachan Singh to remind him about the his promise made to Gurbaksh Singh Khasla last year regarding issue of Sikh political prisoners languishing in jails of India.

Sikh delegation meets Giani Gurbachan Singh

Sikh delegation meets Giani Gurbachan Singh

The delegation said that Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa had ended his 44 day long hunger strike last year on assurance of Giani Gurbachan Singh but the Jathedar has failed to deliver his promise so far.

Giani Gubachan Singh gave assurance to the delegation that he is contact with Indian government officials to ensure the release of concerned Sikh political prisoners.

It may be recalled that Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khasla is on hunger strike since November 14, 2014. He is surviving only on water for last forty days.

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