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Gurbaksh Singh’s fast unto death enters 17th day; Haryana police starts harassing family members

November 30, 2013 | By

Ajitgarh, Punjab (November 30, 2013): Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa’s hunger strike has entered 17th days. He is observing a fast unto death since November 14, 2013 at Gurdwara Amb Sahib, Ajitgarh (Mohali) to seek release of five Sikhs who are not being released by the Indian state/ (Centre/State governments) despite serving the terms of their sentences.

Gurbaksh Singh has once again showed his firmness that he would not break his fast until the concerned Sikhs are released from Indian jails.

Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa

While talking to the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa accused Haryana police and state C.I.D. for harassing his family members at his village Thaskali near Markanda (Haryana). He said that police was harassing his wife and son.

“They are demanding my photos, if they want it, they can come here at Gurdwara Amb Sahib and take my photos” he said.

It may be recalled that Bhai Gurbaksh Singh is seeking release of Bhai Gurmit Singh, Shamsher Singh, Lakhwinder Singh (who are confined in Burrail Jail, Chandigarh since 1995), Bhai Lal Singh (who was arrested in 1992 by Gujrat police and is currently confined in Maximum security jail Nabha) and Bhai Gurdip Singh (who is confined in Gurbarg Jail of Karnataka for last 23 years). These persons have serve their terms of sentence but were not being released by respective state governments.

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