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Indo-China Relations

Infrastructure Needs Will Push India to Reconsider China’s BRI, AIIB Report

India has taken a posture to not accept China's mega Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for Beijing's plan to build projects under it in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir is perceived as a threat to sovereignty by New Delhi.

Refrain From Actions That Intensify Disputes: China Warns India After Modi Visits Arunachal Pradesh

China’s foreign ministry on Saturday (Feb. 9) condemned Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh, also claimed by China, saying it “resolutely opposes” activities of Indian leaders in the region, reads a report in Hindustan Times (HT)

China Welcomes India and Pakistan’s Move to Open Kartarpur Sahib Corridor

In an expected move, the China on Monday (Dec. 3) welcomed India and Pakistan's move to open the Dera Baba Nanak to Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib Corridor, saying strengthening dialogue between them and properly addressing their differences means a lot to the world peace and development.

Indian and Pakistani Soldiers Set to Have Joint Military Exercise; Indian Media in Mute Mode Now

A few days back there was a huge outcry against East Punjab cabinet minister Navjot Singh Sidhu for hugging Pakistan’s army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa. Indian media and politicians termed his act as an insult to the India and thus ‘treasonous’.

China Building Military Infrastructure In Doklam Area, Says Indian Defense Minister

Months after Indian defense minister Nirmala Sitharaman was seen exchanging greeting with Chinese soldiers at Nathula border post in Sikkim sector which was

China Objects to Indian PM Narendra Modi’s Visit to Arunachal Pradesh

China on Thursday (Feb. 15) reportedly expressed opposition to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh, which Beijing claims as its own.

By Amending Enemy Property Act India May Lose Chinese Investment, Says Media Reports

As per the media reports, China has expressed their concern over India’s Enemy Property Act saying India may confiscate the assets of the Chinese

Chinese Troops Move Into Arunachal With Road Building Equipments, Says Media Reports

Last Saturday, when  the Chinese military issued a warning to India to reign in its border patrol troops, the Chinese soldiers during that very time, that

Chinese Military Asks India To ‘Control’ Its Border Troops

After concluding 20th round of border talks between the National Security Advisers (NSA)'s of both People's Republic of China and India on 22th December

China Continues With Road Construction In Doklam Plateau, Says Media Reports

The tall claims of Indian state that it has secured a major diplomatic victory against China during its two months long military stand off fell flat as the

US Attempting to tie India to its Chariot, says China daily

China's state-run daily Global Times today took a dig at India-US relations declaring "Washington was attempting to tie New Delhi to its chariot" as US Defense Secretary James Mattis visited India last week.

Doklam Standoff: India Withdraw’s Its Troops, No Word On China’s Road Building Status

It is learned from the media reports that India here today has agreed with China as per an “expeditious disengagement”to pull back its troops after a two

India, China Troops Engage in Stone Pelting, Fisticuffs in Eastern Ladakh

Amidst the ongoing standoff between Indian and Chinese troops in Doklam,  soldiers of the two sides clashed on Tuesday, with both pelting stones and hitting each other. Media reports note that men on both sides sustained injuries.

Countdown to Indo-China Military Clash Has Begun: says Beijing daily

The countdown to a military conflict between India and China has begun and New Delhi should come to senses and withdraw troops from Doklam before it’s too late, a Chinese daily said on Wednesday.

Chinese Media & Officials Reiterate Warnings On Possible Military Confrontation With India

As per the media reports emanating from China in which its local media outlets has claimed that the countdown to a military conflict between India and China

Pro-Hindutva Forces Policy Towards China May Lead To War: Chinese Media

In a statement issued by state run Chinese media it has said that rising Hindutva  has hijacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s China policy and could lead the two countries

China says PLA troops waiting patiently, but won’t wait indefinitely; PLA Conducts Live Fire Drill

In a stern message directed towards India, China has reportedly said that People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have been waiting patiently at Doklam but will not do so for an indefinite period.

China Should Keep Calm Over ‘Foreign Assisted’ India’s ‘Rise’: Chinese Media ‘

As per the media reports published in an English vernacular China's state run media

China Replacing Pakistan In India’s New Nuclear Deterrence Policy: US Expert

As per the media reports India continues to upgrade its nuclear arsenal and redraft its nuclear doctrine with a primary focus  on China, earlier the nuclear strategy

Indian Govt. Mulling Compromise With China; Situation Different From Previous Dissension, Says China

''the army of third country can enter J&K on the request of Pakistan'' has reiterated that

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