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Indo-China Relations

The Dragon is Daring Now

The purposely freezed relations between Indian and Chinese authorities are starting to melt. Not only these mutual relations are melting but these are turning from bad to worse.

Amidst Sikkim StandOff, China issues safety advisory for its Citizens in India

China on Saturday reportedly issued a "safety advisory" for its citizens traveling to India as well as to its nationals living in India, asking them to pay close attention to personal safety and local security.

Sikkim Standoff: India ‘Misleading’ Public, Will Suffer Greater Losses Than 1962, says China

As the stand off between Indian and Chinese troops enters the its 10th day, the Chinese authorities in fresh statement has maintained that India is 'misleading'

Sikkim Standoff May Escalate Into ‘War’ : Chinese Experts

As per the media reports the Chinese experts here today in an unequivocal manner has stated that to safeguard its  sovereignty in the border conflicts with India

India Infringing Bhutan’s Sovereignty, Should Mend Its Mistakes: China

Chandigarh: After a shoving incidence involving Indian and Chinese troops at Dong la (Donglang),  a region consisting a tri-junction border of India, China and Bhutan, is ...

In a Retaliatory Act China Renames Six Places In Arunachal Pradesh In Its Official Map

Seen by many as an act of retaliation by China to India's provocative move in which it allowed exiled Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama to visit the disputed region

Dalai Lama’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh irks China

Amid of a stern warning from China, India went ahead and allowed Dalai Lama to visit Twang region of Arunachal Pradesh which China considers its own territory in the form of 'South Tibet', which has invited a strong protest from the Chinese foreign ministry on Thursday in which it has said that

Visit By Taiwanese Parliamentarians To India Angers China

China on Wednesday lodged a strong complaint with India following a rare visit by a Taiwanese parliamentary delegation, warning New Delhi to follow

China Blocks US Motion to get Masood Azhar Blacklisted by UNSC

By throwing a spanner in the wheel China has yet again blocked a move to get the UN to sanction Masood Azhar, the chief of Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)

China Says India’s Agani Missile Programm Against UN Norms

China while criticizing India of breaking UN limits on nuclear arms and long range missiles, has vouched for Pakistan that it should be accorded the same

China Blocks India’s Resolution against Masood Azhar at United Nations

In yet another embarrassment to India, China once again has blocked a proposal at the United Nations to list Jaish-e-Muhammad’s Chief Masood Azhar as a global designated 'terrorist'.

Chinese troops conducting training exercises for Pakistan Army, claims BSF report

A BSF report submitted to India’s security adviser Ajit Doval says Chinese troops are conducting weapons training exercises for Pakistan army at some posts in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) adjoining Rajouri in Jammu & Kashmir.

No one can warn India, China should to hold talks to settle border issue: Rajnath

New Delhi, India: Reacting to China's response to India's plans to build a road along India-China border in Arunachal Pradesh, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh today said that "no one could warn India". Rajnath Singh said that "India is a strong country and no one could warn us".

China objects to India’s road plans along border in Arunachal Pradesh

New Delhi, India: China today reacted strongly to reports that India plans to build a 2000-km long road in Arunachal Pradesh, asking New Delhi not to "further complicate" the dispute over the border. Indian and Chinese soldiers recent observed an intense face-off at Chumar area of Ladakh.

India-China agree to end border face-off: Withdrawal of troops likely today

New Delhi, India: After more than two weeks face-off, India and China have reportedly agreed to pull back their troops from certain areas at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh. The pull back is expected to take place on Friday (Sept. 26).

India-China to hold flag meet today amid continuing LAC face-off in Ladakh

Ladakh: After holding a series of inconclusive meetings to end more than two weeks long face-off, India and China will hold a flag meeting on today (Sept. 25) in Chushul in Ladakh in yet another effort to find some solution to the standoff.

India-China face-off worsens in Chumar area of Ladakh

Ladakh: The ongoing face-off between Indian and Chinese soldiers at Chumar area in Ladakh has intensified with the addition of more gun-toting troops, which are now strung across 2 km on an east-to-west axis on either side of the disputed Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Chinese soldiers reappear in Chumar area of Ladhakh after brief withdrawal

New Delhi, India: The Chinese PLA soldiers reportedly left Chumar area of Ladakh after Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping meeting, but there are reports that Chinese soldiers today crossed into territory under Indian control again and stationed themselves on a hillock.

As issue is not settled yet, border incidents may continue to occur, says Chinese President Xi Jinping

New Delhi, India: During a joint press briefing visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping said that the incidents might continue to occur at India-China border as the areas were not properly demarcated.

Indian PM Modi raised issue of alleged Chinese incursions in Chumar (Ladakh) with Xi Jinping

New Delhi/ Ladakh: A statement from India's Minister of External Affairs spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin says Prime Minister Narendra Modi raised the issue of Chinese incursions with the visiting Chinese President during their meeting Wednesday night.

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