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Attack on Rakesh Tikait in Rajasthan’s Alwar; Car Damaged; BJP Blamed

Farm leader Rakesh Tikait's convoy was reportedly attacked in Rajasthan's Alwar today. The attack on his convoy shattered the windows of Rakesh Tikait's car.

UK Parliament to Debate on Farmers Protest on March 8

UK Parliament is set to debate on ongoing Farmers Protest in India. The debate will be held in House of Commons on March 8 at 4:30 pm (UK Time).

Disha Ravi Breaks Down in Court; Says She Only Edited two Lines in Farmers Protest Toolkit

"I did not make a Toolkit. We wanted to support the farmers. I edited two lines on February 3," Disha Ravi told the Delhi court where she was produced earlier today. The court has sent her to police custody for five days for further questioning.

Join Statement on Internal Issues Concerning the Farmers Struggle

It is satisfying and comforting to know that the Kisan Ekta Morcha leadership of has shown intent to set at rest the indications given about sidelining of Gurnam Singh Charuni -the leader of the Bharatiya Kisan Union Haryana Charuni group. This has become possible as a result of the awareness and alertness of internal platforms of this moveme

Bhupinder Singh Mann Recuses from 4-Member Committee Constituted by SC

In a significant development, Bhupinder Singh Mann- member of a committee appointed by Supreme Court of India to advise it on contentious new farm laws, has recused himself from the committee. In a statement issued to

AULReP Stands in Solidarity with Kisaans (Farmers) and Workers in Punjab and India

Alberta Union of Labour Relations Professionals (AULReP) firmly express its solidarity with the over 250 million kisaans (farmers) and workers who have been on strike and have taken various peaceful actions in India against the Government of India's capitalist reforms. AULReP also firmly condemns the violent repression of kisaans, workers, and trade unionists in India by the Indian government and its armed forces.

Canadian Union of Postal Workers Support Indian Farmers Fight Against Draconian Laws

Farmers in India are rising to protest three new laws adopted in their country that have important ramifications for the average Indian farmer. Essentially, this set of bills eases restrictions on corporate interests like those of Monsanto and penalizes millions of small independent farmers in the process. 

US Lawmakers, Experts Express Solidarity with Farmers’ Protests in India

The members of United states congress and international legal and human rights experts have urged India to uphold the right of peaceful protest and engage with protesting farmers productively following the norms of democracy.

Farmers in India and the Fundamental Right to Protest: International Human Rights Day 2020

Weeks of protests by farmers from Punjab and Haryana intensified against three controversial farming laws which abolish Minimum Support Pricing (MSP) for farmers, led to a call for protestors to make their way to the national capital Delhi. On the 8th of December the protests had spread with farmers across India leading a country wide strike and shut down (band). Many of these poor and marginalised farmers, battled against the onset of winter amidst a world-wide pandemic travelling the 500km by foot, on tractors, scooters and other vehicles.

Australia’s Stop Adani Movement Stands in Solidarity with Protesting Punjabi & Indian Farmers

Farmers peaceful protest on the borders of Delhi has been catching attention and solidarity of the global community. Foreign officials and people's movements are expressing their solidarity and support for farmers who are calling for roll back of Indian government's new farm laws.

Govt. Violating Fundamental Rights By Installing Mobile & Internet Jammers: Says HC Lawyers

In a series of ongoing daily peaceful protest advocates of Punjab and Haryana High Court under the banner of Lawyers in Solidarity with Farmers (LSF) showed solidarity with the farmers against the three Farm Laws passed by Parliament.

Editors Guild of India Issues Advisory Against Biased & Baseless Media Reporting of Farmers Protests

In an advisory released on December 4m the Editors Guild of India (EGI) has expressed concerns about the news coverage of the farmers' protests in the India’s capital, wherein certain sections of the media have been labelling them as “Khalistanis”, “ anti-nationals”, and other such terms to “delegitimise the protests without any evidence or proof”.

Canada’s National Farmers Union Stands in Solidarity with Farmers Protesting New Agricultural Laws in India

The National Farmers Union of Canada has expressed solidarity with farmers in India, who continue to protest new agricultural laws formally passed in September.

36 British MPs Support Farmers’ Protest; Want UK to Raise Issue with India

A group of 36 cross-party Parliamentarians have written to UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and asked him to make representations to his Indian counterpart, S Jaishankar, regarding the impact on British Punjabis affected by the demonstrations by farmers against new agricultural legislation in India.

Farmers’ Agitation: UN Chief’s Spokesperson Says People Have Right to Peaceful Protest

While Indian government is terming the farmers protests and use of force against peacefully demonstrating protesters as its "internal matter", the spokesperson for UN chief Antonio Guterres and a group of 36 cross-party UK parliamentarians have also come out in support of the agitating Indian farmers, saying that people have a right to demonstrate peacefully and authorities should let them do so.

A Day Before Farmers’ Delhi Chalo, Punjab’s Subedari Nizam Declares Night Curfew

Punjab's Subedari Nizam (state government) has announced to impose night curfew in the state citing rising cases of corona virus. As per media reports the government has also declared those not wearing masks in public will be charged with fine of rupees one thousand.

How Present Farmers’ Struggle is Different From Previous Agitations? & Why We Need For Punjab Centric Agrarian Model?

A discussion was organized at Teachers Home, Bathinda on 19 November 2020. The top of this discussion was "Punjab Centric Agrarian Model". Speaking during this event farmers' leader S. Megh Raj Singh Bhai Mandhir Singh explained that how present farmers' struggle was different from previous farmers' agitations and why there was a need for Punjab centric agrarian model.

Bihar Election Results: BJP Led NDA Noses Ahead in See-Saw Contest

The counting of votes for Bihar assembly elections started early morning today and are expected to continue till late night. Bihar witnessed a close contest between BJP and JD (U)'s National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and Rashtriya Janta Dal (RJD) led Mahagathbandhan.

Delhi Pushing Punjab to the Wall: Dal Khalsa

Participating in the farmers’ stir against contentious farm laws on November 5, the Dal Khalsa warned the Narendra Modi Government for pushing Punjab to the wall.

Gurmeet Ram Rahim “Secretly” Granted Parole by Haryana BJP Govt.

BJP led government in Haryana reportedly granted Gurmeet Ram Rahim a day’s parole on October 24. Gurmeet Ram Rahim is head of Dera Sauda Sirsa and is undergoing jail after he was convicted by a special CBI court for murder and rape.

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